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At Vyners we provide an education, which is relevant and stimulating so that each student is able to fulfil their full potential.  The curriculum is well-balanced and offers a wide range of learning experiences, both inside and outside the classroom.  We have high expectations of our students, providing academic challenge whilst encouraging them to take responsibility for their own learning.  Those who need specific help to thrive are guided and supported to enable them to access the curriculum and develop relevant transferable skills. This entitlement is for everyone, regardless of age, gender, race, religion or disability. Our curriculum is informed by current research and is continuously reviewed and updated to reflect our local and global context. 

Reading is the key to unlocking the curriculum. All subject areas have a bespoke reading canon and teach disciplinary literacy and promote reading to support students to read fluently and with comprehension, and to develop a joy of reading.

Please see our Teaching & Learning and Curriculum Policy for further details. 

Curriculum Intent:
  • To provide a broad and balanced education for all students.  

  • To enable students to develop knowledge, understand concepts and acquire skills, and be able to choose and apply these in relevant situations  

  • To support students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development  

  • To support students’ physical development and responsibility for their own health, and enable them to be active  

  •  To promote a positive attitude towards learning  

  • To provide access to learning through challenge and support 

  • To provide subject choices that support students’ learning and progression, and enable them to work towards achieving their goals  

  • To raise student aspirations, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to  flourish in their future careers.  

  • To encourage student participation in the Vyners Learning Journey  

  • To provide a super curriculum which takes learning beyond the classroom developing independence and a love of learning. 

  • To provide a range of enrichment opportunities to complement the academic curriculum and support skills development 


Curriculum Content (Intent) 

Subject leaders plan a 5 or 7 year curriculum with clear aims and objectives, outlined in their Curriculum Intent. The curriculum is planned carefully to ensure that it is broad, rigorous, inclusive and appropriate and that all students are supported in meeting and exceeding their potential.  Skills development is underpinned by intelligent sequencing of topics and activities and our curriculum maps are regularly reviewed in order to ensure inclusivity, appropriate challenge and compliance with the National Curriculum.


Curriculum Delivery (Implementation)

Vyners School operates a two-week timetable and the school week is divided into 25 one-hour teaching periods. The Key Stage 3 curriculum is studied in Years 7-9 and  Key Stage 4 in Years 10 and 11, with Key Stage 5 in Years 12 and 13. Students are taught in mixed ability classes across the curriculum with the exception of Mathematics and Key Stage 4 Science where students will often cover different content based upon their current level of attainment, or work at a different pace. In Y7-11 the ‘Nurture Group’ in English offers a slower teaching pace and enhanced support whilst following the full GCSE Curriculum. Some of these students will also complete additional Entry Level qualifications. 

The National Curriculum is followed at all Key Stages and the Subject Curriculum Maps are reviewed regularly to ensure that they are sequenced effectively to ensure skills development and consolidation. All students also participate in comprehensive Enrichment, PSHE and Careers programmes. 

The structure of the Curriculum 

Key Stage 3:

At KS3 students build on the knowledge, skills and understanding acquired at  primary school. Students study English, maths, science, RE / ethics, history, geography, PE, Computing, Design Technology, Music, Art and Drama, a modern foreign language and PSHE (personal, social and health education). Year 9 students are able to select 2 enrichment subjects to explore and deepen their understanding of these subjects. Enrichment subjects include: Drama / Performing Arts, Photography, Food, IT, PE, Computing, DT, Music and Art. All subjects are available to all students as option subjects, depending on the student’s suggested pathway. 

*The RE course in years 7-9 covers all elements of the Hillingdon Religious Education Syllabus.

In Year 9, students are supported through the process of selecting their options for Key Stage 4, guided by subject teachers and the Year Team. This process begins in the spring term so that there is plenty of time to allow students and parents to make this important decision. 


Key Stage 4 

In Years 10 & 11 all students continue with the essential core curriculum of English, Mathematics, Science, Physical Education, Religious Education as well as RSE, which is taught across the curriculum and through tutorial sessions. KS4 Subjects that can be taken up in Y10:  Triple Science, Media, Psychology, Business Studies, Economics In Year 10 all students sit the RE GCSE Short Course.  In Year 11, RE is delivered in PSHE and assemblies. All students study the full suite of EBacc subjects at KS3 and most are encouraged to continue this at KS4. The majority of students study a full or partial Ebacc at KS4 ( Maths, English Language, English Literature, Science, History or Geography and a Language). 


Key Stage 5 

A wide range of A Level and vocational subjects is available. All students are required to study three Level 3 subjects or equivalent and each subject option is allocated 9 hours per fortnight. There is flexibility for some students to study four courses if they wish. Students will also be timetabled into supervised study sessions and all are given the opportunity to study an EPQ (Extended Project Qualification). Core Maths AS is also offered for students studying A Level subjects with maths content, who are not studying A Level Maths. Students also benefit from the school being part of the Vanguard Learning Trust; this gives students the opportunity to take one Level 3 subject at Ruislip High School. This has broadened the subject choices available to sixth form students.



We have a thorough and robust system of monitoring and assessment, which provides regular feedback to students and parents on progress, coupled with Parent Information Evenings and online Parent Evenings for each year group. Assessment Maps are attached to each curriculum map and revision topics are regularly published to support revision for key assessments. 


Inclusion / SEND 

SEND students are a priority in our curriculum planning and key leaders ensure that no students are disadvantaged as they move up the school, with regard to curriculum breadth, relevance and support. 

At KS3, identified students have specific intervention in the Learning Support Department. This can take the form of 1:1 or small group sessions to support learning across the curriculum. 

In Y10, pathway 3 supports students who will benefit from additional English and Maths to support their wider curriculum studies. These students are also encouraged to study at least one vocational subject. 

The English ‘Nurture Group’ supports with skills development in English that will enable students who work at a slower pace to access the curriculum in other areas. Identified students will also take ‘Step Up’ & Entry Level qualifications in English and Maths.